How to make your 3D Printed AFO

We have made the AFO digital workflow easy and simple to use on the Spentys application.

The AFO (ankle–foot–orthosis) is a support intended to control the position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness, or correct deformities.

We design our AFOs to fit the patient's individual needs. Our customization options are beneficial for pediatric cases as we offer different color and design personalization which has proven to increase compliance. 

To begin the process, you create a patient profile by filling in basic details for each new order. 
After creating a patient and selecting to immobilize the lower limb, you will have the choice to create an SMO (B5), a static AFO (B2), or a dynamic AFO (B8)

For SMO: select segments A -B and C
For AFOs static or dynamic, you can select segments A-B-C and D

After selecting your model, you will be asked to select your workflow.
You will have the choice between two options: standard and custom.

AFO workflows are divided into three separate workflows, which are explained below and linked to the dedicated help center article:

  • Standard Workflow
    Trust Spentys for taking care of everything from scan correction to orthotic design.
    The fastest workflow allows you to obtain a foot corrected to 90° in plantar flexion and a neutral varus/valgus of the foot just by sending a scan. Read more...

  • Custom Workflow
    Use a form to complete your order and customize the model's correction, design, and printing. Read more...

  • Forma Workflow
    Use our 3D Software to correct by yourself your scan correction and the trim lines of the AFO. Read more...