How to choose the appropriate thicknesses?

Depending on your printing technique and the material you print, some orthotics have been validated in our process with certain thicknesses, here is an explanation.

By selecting the printing technique and material in the Spentys application, you can always customize your brace to your patient. 

After all, treating a child and a sportsman is not the same thing! So you can create a brace with the standard thicknesses but also create something more discreet, lighter, or more resistant.

All this freedom must nevertheless be controlled by our expertise in certain materials, which is why you will find here a complete list of the printing techniques we use with their validity framework in terms of thickness:

Technology - Material Min. Thickness Default thickness Max. Thickness
FDM - PP 3 4 5
FDM - CARBON 3 4 5
FDM - PLA  3 4 5
MJF - TPU 3 4 5
MJF - PA11 2 2.8 4
MJF - PA12 2 2 4
DLP - ST45 2 2.5 3
DPL - IND405 1.5 1.8 2.5
SLA - TOUGH1500 1.5 1.5 3


Congratulations! You are now an expert on thicknesses on your 3D printed splints!